
Cezar Secrieru is an abstract painter born in Falticeni, Romania in 1962. His passion and propensity for painting started at a very young age. At different stages he experimented with various styles and techniques, trying his hand at watercolors, pastels, acrylics and mixed media. Soon oil on canvas became his distinct preference. Cezar Secrieru has always admired realistic art and its astounding attention to detail, but as a result of experimentation he himself moved to abstract art.

He completed his artistic formation at the State Pedagogical University of Chisinau, the Faculty of Fine Arts in 1996. Later on the artist did doctoral studies at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, with his research paper focused on comparative study of paintings in Romania and Moldova in the 60s and 70s. Currently he is an Artistic Counselor at the ULIM University, Moldova.

Cezar Secrieru represented Romania and the Republic of Moldova in different international institutions and galleries with many personal exhibitions.



Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 2002, 2003
Geneva, United Nations Organization, 2004
Geneva, World Trade Organization, 2005
Geneva, International Telecommunication Union, 2005
Ferney-Voltaire, Bank “Société Générale”, 2005
Dusseldorf, “Metro Group”, 2006-2007
Bucharest, “D. Leonida” Technical Museum, 2008
Bucharest, Romanian Academy, 2008
Chisinau, Writers’ Union, 2009
Rueil-Malmaison, “La Bruyère” House, 2009
Bucharest, Gallery “Constantin Brancusi”, 2010
Paris, Romanian Cultural Institute, 2010
Toulouse, “Pierre Baudis” Congress Center, 2010
Chisinau, Gallery of Alliance Française from Moldova, 2011
Paris, Sorbonne University (Paris IV), 2011
Chisinau, National Library “Vasile Alecsandri”, 2012
Saint-Etienne, CIC Bank, 2013
Chisinau, Theatre of Opera and Ballet “Maria Biesu”, 2013
Andrézieux Bouthéon, Hotel de Ville, 2013
Berlin, Romanian Embassy, 2013
Saint-Etienne, “Jean Monnet” University, 2014
Suceava, French Bureau / House of Friendship, 2015
Iasi, Galleries U.A.P.R. “Nicolae Tonitza”, 2015
Geneva, World Intellectual Property Organization, 2016
Baku, Azerbaijan, Art Tower Gallery, 2018
Tbilisi, Georgia, “Giorgi Leonidze“ State Museum of Literature, 2019

Grenoble, France, Maison de L International, 2022


In the volume ABeCeder. Comprendre l’art d’aujourd’hui (Abe.Ceder. Understanding Today’s Art) published in Canada (Peisaj Publishing House, 2013), a work by Cezar Secrieru illustrates the article on expressionism.

Cezar Secrieru’s paintings can be found in some public collections (The Patrimony of the United Nations Organization, Geneva; the Parliament of Romania) and in many private collections (USA, Canada, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Russia, China, Madagascar, etc.).

All paintings of the artist are oil on canvas.

All artworks are original and unique.


“The artistic message of the painter Cezar Secrieru relates to a world of prime matter and a world of potentialities, explores the areas of the visible beyond appearances, the intimacy of being and the abyssal spaces of mystery. Cezar Secrieru’s art of painting is a perfectly individualized discourse through which he leaves the mundane immediate space, the one in which he can fix his landmarks and from which he can extract themes and subjects, in order to migrate to cosmic indeterminacy. The artist creates a unique aerial-aquatic-cosmic atmosphere, assimilated and processed from the outbursts of events. [He uses] a lyrical interpretation, loaded with an extreme ability to vibrate, on the edge of stellar interstices, nebulae, cosmic dust, which meet and merge in a great plastic and metaphysical spectacle. ” 

Art Critic and Art Historian
Member of the International Association of Art Critics
President of the Association of Art Experts and Evaluators of Romania
Director of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Bucharest, Romania



“Creative through the specificity of the vision, professional in providing individualized solutions of any artwork, Cezar Secrieru has come to define his own style, unmistakable, with immediate effect on the sensitivity of the viewers. Meditative in the perimeter of poetry, lyrical par excellence, he proves insurgent in artworks with decorative succulence.  The abstract horizon amplifies the painter’s prospects of elucidating the topic of generating the visible, and the artist does not hesitate to support with the arguments of painting the idea that through the abstract we basically debate the theme of mystery. He establishes cordial relations between color and gesture and as a result his paintings are convincing and appealing.”

Valentin CIUCA
Art Critic and Art Historian 
Member of the International Association of Art Critics, Romania




email: secrieru.cezar@yahoo.fr
facebook: Cezar Secrieru